I was about to submit claims for my expenses. I had to scan the receipts and email them to blah blah blah. The scanner gave me multiple pdfs and I preferred to send only one pdf. I had to merge the pdfs and did that by using the below command in my Fedora 10 box.
# gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=merged.pdf -dBATCH first.pdf second.pdf
I got this solution through a search in the web.
Or you can use pdfjoin.
Does this method preserve the links in the PDF files? I was searching for a merge tool that doesn't mess up the links ( http://solidsmoke.blogspot.com/2009/11/merging-pdf-files-while-preserving.html ) and found pdftk.
Yes, it does.
Not very well. I'm not talking about links to some URL, but links to sections in the same PDF files.
I am also not speaking about links to other URLs. It worked well for me when I tested today!
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